Obamacare | Show 314
My Heavens! When the moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with mars then peace will guide the planets and love will see the stars! WELL NOT ANY MORE! Thanks to an overactive galactic phenom called “precession”…everything has changed.

Well not everything…just our astrological signs. Dan shows up to the show a former Cancer and he claims he’s now a two-door full-throttle Scorpio. WHO ARE YOU NOW BABY?!

Hey, we have a great show coming up. Our good friend RN DeAnn McEwen joins us. DeAnn is an ICU nurse at Long Beach Medical Center and a member of the CNA/NNU Council of Presidents. She shares with us her view of “Obamacare” and why it is not the bill those of us who wanted single payer health care for all would have chosen.
Why single payer? DeAnn says, “If an RN believes in the premise that all persons have the right to access basic health care, and to be treated with respect and dignity, then his or her behavior will be more likely to be congruent with this belief.” What’s next for health care? Listen and find out.AND it’s time to make someone out there laugh! Casey and Dan make random acts of kindness look better all the time. They reach out and touch some folks to see if they might share a laugh. Some do…..and some? Not so much.
And just to remind our friends and listeners out there…the 2011 uninsured death toll for California is 121 for the U.S. 1,287.