Capitol Hill and Applied Humor | Show 318
Even if it is old news by now Casey and Dan just had to say something about a “Sputnik” moment. Seems Casey is confused and doesn’t know we have already put a man on the moon.This week our good friend Donna Smith updates us on all things “Capitol Hill.” She talks about the real state of social security as well as other topics such as health care reform and what she and 180,000 of her closest friends at National Nurses United do every day to fight for patients rights and single payer health care.We also check in with her about the recent “Stand Up” campaign directed at President Obama. Stand Up features nurses asking the President to stand up for the needs of working people, stand up for social security benefits, stand up for health care for all, stand up for protection for workers. It’s always a pleasure and an education to have Donna with us.
Later in the show we talk with Roberta Gold. Roberta is an RTC, recreational therapist by trade and a humorist by choice. Roberta visits with us about her own practice but really wants to shout out the glory of the upcoming AATH (Association of Applied and Therapeutic Humor) Conference in Orlando in April. It is a great conference…we went last year and all we did was laugh our way through it. Well, not all the way. Roberta also talks about the AATH Humor Academy. Yes you can graduate from a Humor Academy! Check it out…
And this just in–congratulations to everyone who took part in the Blue Shield protest in San Francisco Tuesday. Hundreds of people marched in front of Blue Shield headquarters this morning and managed to get a 60-day reprieve of a proposed 59% health insurance rate hike! Thank you all for your dedication.
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