Coming this Fall on Nurse Talk…Your Invitation to Talk Back
O.K everyone—so far our talking has been a one way street. You listen (hopefully) and we talk. We’re sure that gets really tiring but wait— NOW we can listen and you can do the talking. STARTING IN October…join us at in the Nurse Talk Chat Room for live and lively discussions. The chats will be once a month at noon so you can pull up a chair—eat your SALAD and chime in. We’ll start with a conversation about manifesting intentions. Yip—you heard that right. What does that have to do with nurses and health? Everything!
We know it sounds a little “new age-y” but we promise this conversation will bring value to your lives in many ways. Join Nurse Talk hosts, Casey Hobbs and Shayne Mason as they welcome our guest, Hal Isen. Hal Isen, MFA, CHT, is the creator of Core Wisdom® and LifeCoaching®. He is an educator, management consultant, executive coach, clinical hypnotherapist, artist and author. Drawing on his own direct experience and practice of the Wisdom Traditions, he has developed a methodology that resonates powerfully and effectively with our present day thinking and sensibilities. Go to
November brings us National Nurses United Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro. NNU Director DeMoro was once again named to the 100 Most Influential People in Healthcare list for 11th straight year. DeMoro is the only advocate for nurses or other working people on the list published annually by Modern Healthcare, a prominent national healthcare industry publication.
DeMoro, who is number 36 on the list of 100, is one of only eight people to be named to the list for each of the 11 years it has been compiled. She is also one of only two women to be named every year on a list that is dominated by figures in government and corporate healthcare institutions. She is a visionary with the courage to fight for what she believes in. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to visit with Ms. De Moro and find out what the future holds for nurses, patients and healthcare in the U.S. This live chat will be video streamed from National Nurses United Headquarters in Oakland, California. You can watch Rose Ann in action in a recent interview with Bill Moyers:
All dates and times for these just announced events will be confirmed in the next few weeks. A full 2013 online event schedule will be sent out soon too—so check it out! If you are not subscribed to the Nurse Talk eblast now would be a good time to sign up so you will be notified automatically.
THIS JUST IN…Robin Hood Tax Introduced In Congress! The U.S. Robin Hood Tax Campaign today applauded the introduction in Congress of a bill that would impose a tax on Wall Street speculation. Introduced by Rep. Keith Ellison, HR 6411, the Inclusive Prosperity Act, would raise up to $350 billion in annual revenues that would be used to breathe new life into Main Street communities across America, as well as international health, sustainable prosperity and environmental programs. Read more…
COMING UP on the show this week a best of Nurse Talk with RN Donna Kelly Williams on Mandatory Overtime and Author Eileen Kaplan on Laughter vs. Breast Cancer
On August 6, 2012, Governor Deval Patrick of Massachusetts signed into law Senate Bill 2400, “An Act improving the quality of healthcare and reducing costs through increased transparency, efficiency and innovation.” One provision of the law applies to hospitals as employers prohibiting mandatory overtime for nurses.
In this show, is a discussion on how they did that in Massachusetts. Originally aired June 23, 2102, you can listen to Massachusetts Nurses Association President RN Donna Kelly Williams talk about the Massachusetts State Legislature House & Senate versions of a health reform bill that would ban mandatory overtime. Donna and her street gang of nurses were on the state house steps to support their efforts. Some (non-nurses) may be asking… “Why should I care about this?” You don’t want a tired nurse—now do you? It’s time to take action in your state.
You can listen to a 3 minute twenty second bit of the mandatory overtime segment here:
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Also on the show this week is author/humorist and cancer survivor, Eileen Kaplan who wrote a book called Laughter is the Breast Medicine. Eileen is now a speaker and cancer awareness advocate. She shares her journey about surviving breast cancer, and dealing with its aftermath. Eileen is just one of those NATURALLY funny people…who really knows how to make laughter out of lemons! Check our her website,