Does your state have the highest rate of obesity?
Trivia Question: Which state has the highest rate of obesity? West Virginia Kentucky Louisiana South Carolina Answer: West Virginia has the highest rate of obesity, according to the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index. Its obesity rate (35.3%) is accompanied by the highest rates of diabetes and high […]
What Nurses Want This Nurses Week
Whose your favorite nurse? We’ve all got one. Because nurses are with us at so many important points in our lives. They help us welcome new life and comfort us as we say good bye to loved ones. Nurses are present in medical emergencies and […]
FDA Steps Up Focus on Monitoring Drugs after Approval
The FDA has reported that it will now be putting just as much effort into the monitoring of drugs after they have been approved as they do during the pre-approval process. A report labeled “Advances in the FDA’s Safety Program for Marketed Drugs” goes on […]