Gwen Collins on Nurse-to-Patient Ratios and Susan Shapiro Barash, Best-Selling Author | Show 312
Happy New Year to all and to all a good night? Well that doesn’t make too much sense now does it?

What happened to Casey’s poor aunt Sylvia? Listen and find out. An old friend of Nurse Talk calls to check in…oh boy she never disappoints…who could it be?Casey and Dan chat about 2010 and Casey shares that if she could pick a song that reflects last year it would be “Bridge Over Troubled Water.” Hmmm? Great show this week.Florida RN Gwen Collins checks in with us to talk about her efforts to protect her patients and how she is educating her community on the importance of RN-to-patient ratios. It’s not just a nursing issue. It is an issue that has an impact on all of us.

And later, we talk with author Susan Shapiro Barash. Susan is the author of the best seller, Toxic Friends: The Antidote for Women Stuck in Complicated Friendships. She has written a new book called, You’re Grounded Forever…But First, Let’s Go Shopping: The Challenges Mothers Face with Their Daughters and Ten Timely Solutions. Are we raising monsters? Why do mothers feel like they need to be friends with their daughters? Get the answers and check out Susan’s book at us for all the fun.You can listen in the Boston area on station WWZN 1510AM every Saturday at 11 am EST or live stream at and in the San Francisco Bay area Sundays at 2PM PST on Green 960AM or live stream at You can also download and listen anytime at and or on iTunes. Like us on Facebook, and you can listen there too. Health care is a right not a privilege. 2011 Uninsured Death Toll in CA: 63 | in US: 533. Remember “laughter is the best medicine!”