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Nurses “Occupy” and Push Main Street Contract | Action in Washington November 3, 2011

Nurses march in support of Occupy San Francisco

Nurses provided a spark with the Main Street Contract campaign to tax Wall Street that is now catching on fire across the nation. Now, we are thrilled to see thousands more in the streets, with the heroic Occupy Wall Street campaign encamped in New York – very near where 1,000 RNs marched in June – and in Boston, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Minneapolis, Seattle, and numerous other cities.

As Nation Editor Katrina vanden Heuvel wrote, citing the role of nurses and NNU, in a Washington Post column headlined “Nurses Prescription for a Healthy Economy”: “If you want to know just how bad things are for those hit hardest by the Great Recession, ask a nurse: They see more young men suffering heart attacks, more anxiety in children, and more ulcers and stomach illnesses in people of all ages. Financial struggles are forcing more patients to forgo necessary medicines and treatments.”

Join our National Nurses United at their next major action in Washington November 3, concurring with a major push by international unions and supporters coinciding with the meeting of G-20 heads of state in France. Download PDF flyer.

Other things you can do:

  1. TAKE THE PLEDGE for a better America
  2. SHARE YOUR STORY of Economic Hardship
  3. READ STORIES from Main Street
  4. DOWNLOAD the toolkit
  5. SUGGEST community allies and groups
  6. FOLLOW @ProtestInTheUSA on Twitter

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