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Category: Health Care For All

Our Nation Needs This Balm as Single-Payer Action Surges Forward

Over the past few days, more than 700 people from all over the country came together for the annual single-payer strategy conference.  This year, we were in Chicago, my hometown,  Of course we shared ideas, successes, concerns, and knowledge about the kind of healthcare reform that might truly give us the best healthcare system in the world through an improved Medicare for all for life model. Read all of Donna Smith’s blog click here

Hospital Charges Push Bounds of Reason

In the consumer marketplace, businesses and vendors are free to charge whatever they wish to charge for the product or service they offer.   Customers may shop around for better deals, and competing businesses may even engage in price wars to earn higher sales.  But in […]

My Breasts and My Life Not as Valuable as Angelina’s

While women and men around the world applaud Angelina Jolie for her bravery in writing such a public opinion piece in the New York Times today about her preemptive double mastectomy, some of us know that our breasts and our lives just are not worth as much as […]

Health Care Options: Go Bare or Go Broke?

In America, we take our pound of flesh and our profits wherever we may find them. In our U.S. health care system, the opportunities to profit are plentiful no matter the pain, illness, worry or other suffering inflicted. For me, I now face a decision […]