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Author: Pattie Lockard

Coming up this week on Nurse Talk

Now streaming live Saturday’s@11:30am/pst Does anyone out there remember when smoking was perfectly legit in restaurants, nurse’s lounges, airplanes—practically anywhere. Join Casey and Shayne as they laugh about this hysterical yet horrifying clip. Check it out… But ..all joking aside, for information about the risks of smoking visit […]

Coming up on Nurse Talk!

Joining us this week is the incomparable Lani Hall Alpert, singer/songwriter and now author of a new book called ‘Emotional Memoirs & Short Stories’. Some of you may remember Lani stormed onto the music scene as the lead singer for the great Sergio Mendes and […]

Stop Everything! Lynn Ruth Miller. Nurse Talk App. The Safe Lift Bill.

Stop everything! (…not really or the nurses will have to get the Defibrillator paddles out. The charge nurse has a few announcements…) The big day is coming! (Well, at least for us.) On Saturday, October 27, at 12 noon/pst, Nurse Talk will be presented via […]